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HyperRipz are a superior animated glitch GIF breed of a new race, succeeding their predecessors "Ripperz"

Brought forth on AVAX by "EsoTeros" from a gate he discovered in the wastelands.

They possess the superpower of ERC404,
combining $RIP tokens with NFTs into a single asset.

Why ERC404?

Ok, we love our scary fellas. We’ve been busting our heads about what we could do more than just make HyperRipz look awesome? And some real UTILITY.

Since memecoins started becoming popular. We wanted to do it but esoteros is an artist so we decided we merge the NFTs and memecoins and voila!

We’ve got something special for you, the ERC404 HyperRipz! Where we’re mixing the magic of NFTs with the utility of currency through our $RIP coins.

It’s all about adding a bit of a spark to our New Breed of Ripperz!

HyperRip + $RIP Coin= ERC404

1 HyperRip NFT = 1 $RIP coin.

Here’s what’s going on: It’s Not Just Art, It’s Smart: Each HyperRipz is not only a piece of digital art of our interdimensional berserkers, but it’s also powered by $RIP coins.

This means you can trade $RIP on DEXes and trade HyperRipz on NFT marketplaces. We think this is very cool, right? The math is simple.

What's New?

  • Double the Fun: With $RIP coins, your HyperRipz can do more than sit in a wallet. Trade, Hodl, or splash out.

  • Plant the seed and watch it bloom. The more popular $RIP coins get, the better for your HyperRipz.

  • All About Community: Grabbing a HyperRipz means you’re part of the.. ahem. Cult if you will. We are a bunch of fellas in the the Red Triangle Community that wants to have some fun after all.

  • Backstory

    HyperRipz: Chronicles of the Lost Tape

    In a world where history's splendor was overshadowed by the present, EsoTeros, an intrepid adventurer, chanced upon a curious artifact—a VHS tape, nestled deep within the remnants of an age-old metropolis.

    Eager to uncover its secrets, he turned to his dear friend, Discoinfernos, who, against all odds, still possessed a functioning VHS player.

    The duo sat down, anticipation in the air, and played the tape. To their astonishment, it revealed the legend of the Ripperz, mythical guardians of the Elixir of Eternity—a brew rumored to bestow everlasting life.

    Sensing the gravity of their discovery, they felt compelled to bring these beings to their realm, guided by an ancient ritual they had come across in their travels.

    As they recited the incantations, the room grew dense with energy, and before them materialized the Ripperz, their presence radiant and otherworldly.

    At that very moment, their ally, Wrathank entered. A warrior with a reputation for courage and compassion, he was immediately captivated by the Ripperz and saw the potential for greatness. He suggested they channel this newfound might for the betterment of all.

    United in purpose, they established RIP-DAO, forging a bond with the Ripperz. Wrath, ever the strategist, dreamt of leveraging the Ripperz to usher in an era of enlightenment and prosperity in a world that sorely needed it.

    As he set his plans in motion, EsoTeros was drawn to whispers of beings even mightier than the Ripperz—the elusive HyperRipz.

    Convinced of their significance, EsoTeros embarked on a challenging journey with his ally The restless warrior Jerem, navigating treacherous terrains and deciphering ancient enigmas, until they reached their sanctum.

    Standing before the HyperRipz, EsoTeros and Jerem was filled with reverence. With utmost care, he performed a ritual to earn their allegiance and then introduced them to the wider world.

    The unveiling of the HyperRipz took place on HyperRipz.xyz, a nexus for all Ripperz and their human counterparts. Their arrival marked a moment of transformation, a shift in the cosmic balance.

    Those who had RipperzNFT and $TAPE and citizen of RIP_DAO were the first to form a bond with the HyperRipz. This alliance bestowed upon them unmatched wealth and prestige, heralding a golden age in their realm.